Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Level up lessons!

Today it's my level up! I finished level 38, and it feels so weird, man (or gal). Aren't we supposed to stay 25 forever? What a wishful thinking. In the end, the person who looks back at as has a couple of wrinkles, and maybe some good stories and life lessons to learn. 

Here are the lessons I have learned so far...   


Nothing lasts forever, including relationships, jobs, and even ourselves. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus has said it thousands years ago: “Panta Rhei,” commonly translated as “Everything flows,” that's why we need to appreciate what we have right now.

Letting go

Sometimes, you need to release attachment to things, people, or outcomes that no longer serve you. The hardest part isn't losing someone you cared. The hardest part is to accept it. But once you do, you are free to welcome something new in your life. 


I'm really grumpy at times, but I came to realize that focusing on the positive aspects of your life and expressing gratitude can shift your perspective, attract more positivity, and cultivate happiness.


Forgiveness. A lesson I've learned in a hard way, when one of my friends died in a car crash, some hour after we had a fight and I was holding a grudge. I never had a chance to solve that misunderstanding and this hurts too much. Holding onto grudges and resentment can consume your life. Learning to forgive yourself and others can lead to inner peace, healing, and closure.



That lesson seems easy, but still it is the latest I've learned. I used to be a people pleaser with a cost on me. But being true to yourself and embracing your unique identity can lead to greater confidence, self-acceptance, and fulfilling relationships.

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